What the HCP consumer wants…

‘It doesn’t matter which way you look at it, consumers want more control!’  This was the very direct comment made by a participant at a recent CDC co-design workshop we were running on the East Coast of Tasmania.

It was one of those moments where we realised we had heard and read all the statistics, engagement feedback, survey analysis, interpretation, green papers and white papers and knew that consumers had been talking about more choice and control for some time but somehow we hadn’t heard it clearly enough until this consumer stated the undeniable reality.

Over the day we spent working with the 35 consumers the further reality of their hopes, wants and needs were revealed.  This engaging group made it obvious that consumers understand the changes coming to Home Care Packages… and the implications, were ready to explore how to respond to them and more than willing to give things they’ve had a say in designing, a fair go to see if they would work.

Together, consumers, carers, staff and community representatives discussed the things they thought would most help older community members continue to live independently and successfully in their own home:

Information – not mountains of it but things that were relevant to them and their needs.

Trusted and credible professional advice on what might be useful to improve their ability to stay living at home

How to build strength, wellness and their individual capacity

How to connect to things already happening in the community

Not to ignore the existing help and support people are receiving from neighbours, family and friends

And a demand for a high degree of control over what services they received, who provides them and how they are delivered.

We believe providers need to work with consumers, find out what would make a difference to them, bring other potential community supports together to help deliver solutions, innovate and never ever forget that the consumers have been living their own lives for a long time – choosing between one thing and another, making decisions, taking control of their affairs.

It is no wonder they say, in a considered but firm way ‘no matter which way you look at it, consumers want control.’   On that day, overlooking Great Oyster Bay and surrounded by willing participants we listened and really heard…a defining moment, highly recommended for providers who want to remain relevant.